
chargecloud Business Continuity Plan - Measures against the coronavirus pandemic

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Whilst the spread of the new coronavirus (COVID-19) is severely restricting public life and business procedures, we are endeavouring to ensure the continuity and usual availability of our services for you and at the same time offer our employees the utmost safety.

Measures against the spread of coronavirus

To contain the spread of the virus and prevent negative effects on the operational readiness of chargecloud, some of the workforce already switched to working from home two weeks ago. Since Thursday, 12 May, the whole workforce has been working at home with a few exceptions. No more meetings are currently taking place at our offices and work travel has been severely cut back.

As a cloud-based SaaS provider with a digital corporate structure, we are prepared to handle our operations completely virtually. All team members have the necessary technical requirements to safely work remotely without restrictions. So that you can concentrate on your current challenges and goals, we are remaining flexible and supporting all available tools for digital communication, web meetings and video conferences.

Reliable partner, reliable e-mobility solution

Our e-mobility software solutions is still at your disposal with its full functionality. We do not anticipate any restrictions or negative effects on our services, support and product development. We continue to be available for you at normal business hours

It is our aim to give you the best possible support during this uncertain time! Stay healthy and thank you for your confidence.

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