
Billing compliant with calibration law

Mennekes work dsf7350
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chargecloud already registers more than 10,000 charging processes that comply with calibration law.

chargecloud reacted immediately to the current requirements set out by the calibration law with a software update and, since April 2019, has been providing the option to bill charging processes at new and accordingly upgraded stations produced by different manufacturers in compliance with calibration law. The Cologne-based specialist for cloud-based software solutions in the e-mobility sector thus underlines its claim once again of always providing solutions across all systems and manufacturers.

For customers and partners - such as public utility companies - it has been possible to use the update immediately and also very conveniently since it was introduced, as "our modular software-as-a-service products are always up to date anyway, meaning that the new function is automatically set up for the customers as a result of the update," says chargecloud managing director, Axwl Lauterhorn. The chargecloud system automatically detects which charging stations comply with the calibration law, he says.

Evidence for the success of the software solution is provided by the number of charging processes over the past months. Over 10,0000 have already been billed in compliance with calibration law thanks to the software update.

The stipulated chargecloud solution is compatible with different transparency software, which end customers can use to check whether their charging processes have been correctly billed. "Transparency creates trust. And trust is the basis of the success of any new technology," says Lauterborn.

The solution is currently compatible with AC charging stations installed by various providers. The customers of more than half of all chargecloud partners - for instance the members of the TankE network, Bigge Energie or MVV Energie - have been able to check the measurements of their charging processes using digital signatures since April 2019.

"As soon as reliable measuring devices are fitted in DC stations too, we will of course adapt our software straight away," says Lauterborn. The signed measurements will then be available to the partners of chargecloud for DC stations as well to download in the web app.

Innovation instead of criticism

Lauterborn does not like joining in the repeatedly heard criticism that calibration law hinders the development of electromobility: it actually promotes open price communication at the charging stations and creates transparency regarding the measurements transmitted, he says.

Ranting about the technical difficulties for hardware and software manufacturers associated with it is pointless according to Lauterborn; instead it is critical how you deal with it: "There are two ways of reacting to a problem: you can take it as a hindrance and obstacle - or as a challenge. The second option is our way."

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