
Increase the utilization of your charging infrastructure through POI data management

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Correctly displayed POI data is the basis for good visibility of your charging stations on EV info channels such as car navigation systems, Google Maps or smartphone apps such as MOOVILITY. Find out in this blog post how charging station operators can increase the findability of their charging infrastructure on these channels and what advantages this offers.

Why is correctly displayed POI data so important for your e-mobility business?

The basic prerequisite is that charging station operators have agreed to share the POI data of their charging infrastructure. With chargecloud, this step is part of the onboarding process as standard. As a result, the POI data is automatically forwarded to our partner CIRRANTIC. CIRRANTIC is a technology company specializing in EVs that processes the collected POI data and forwards it stringently to all relevant EV info channels - including Apple Maps & Google Maps and many in-car navigation systems, for example.

As an option, CIRRANTIC now also offers the service of ensuring that the algorithms used by integrators such as map services or car manufacturers, always select thedata source prepared by CIRRANTIC in the first place (read below to find out why this is important). With CIRRANTIC's "Active Channel Management" service, charging station operators no longer leave anything to chance. The POI data of the charging stations is always displayed correctly and completely - especially on Apple & Google Maps.


Your next steps

Would you like to benefit from POI data that is always displayed correctly across all EV info channels? Submit your request via charge.marketplace and ensure higher utilization of your charging infrastructure!

For all those who would like to understand in more detail what POI data is, how it gets from the Charge Point Management System to the EV info channels and why algorithms are the devil, you are welcome to read on.


POI data

POI data plays an important role in improving the user experience when navigating and searching for information about charging stations. POI data is information about specific geographical locations or places that are considered relevant or interesting for certain purposes. In relation to electromobility, POI data is information about charging stations that is relevant for EV drivers. This includes, for example:

  • Operator
  • Address
  • Times of use
  • Availability of the charging points
  • Maximum charging capacity
  • Plug type
  • Accessibility
  • Payment options/available charging services
  • Reviews
  • Location partner
  • New: Accessibility for certain vehicle types (trailers, trucks,...)

POI data from charging stations is collected and provided by certain aggregator companies. The data is useful for navigation applications, map apps and EV info channels that help users find and get information about charging infrastructure in their area or on their travel route.

How does POI data from the charging infrastructure get onto map services such as Google Maps?

EV info channels such as Google Maps use different ways to obtain POI data from charging infrastructure. Various information sources and technologies are used to ensure that the POI data is up-to-date and accurate.

One of the main sources is data from users. Users can submit information about new charging stations, their location, plug types, availability, and fees via the app. Among other things, Google Maps uses the collective wisdom of users to keep the databases up to date.

In addition, EV Info channels have partnered with certain organizations and companies that specialize in providing charging station data. These companies can provide regular data updates to keep the location information of the charging stations up to date.

Web crawlers are also used to collect publicly available information from websites and databases that provide information about charging stations. Other POI data sources are crowdsourcing platforms and IoT data. On crowdsourcing platforms, users voluntarily provide location information about charging stations. IoT data, on the other hand, comes directly from the charging stations themselves, but there are hardly any charging stations that are IoT-enabled.

This is why incorrect information is often displayed on EV info channels

A recurring problem is that incorrect information about charging stations is displayed, especially on Google Maps, one of the most relevant channels. But what can be the reason for this, even though, as described above, several data sources are available?

Charging station operators supposedly have it in their own hands to keep the POI data in the charge point management systems they use up-to-date, accurate and complete. Charging station operators have often already made agreements to transfer POI data to directories and companies, which in turn process the data and forward it to EV information channels.

And yet, Google Maps repeatedly displays incorrect information about the charging stations. This is due to certain algorithms that decide which data source should be tapped. As a result, the information displayed often does not come from the optimal data sources. Since Google Maps, as described above, also uses crowdsourcing platforms and web crawlers, it is unfortunately quite common for outdated, incorrect information on charging stations to be displayed. Even POI data that was previously displayed correctly can suddenly be displayed incorrectly due to the algorithms, which can give the command to switch to a different data source at any time.

The "Active Channel Management" service from CIRRANTIC, which can be requested directly here, provides a remedy.

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